Re: [v3] Server not starting on Hudson after my recent check-in to rename some files; investigating

From: Tim Quinn <Timothy.Quinn_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2008 17:59:08 -0500

Problem solved.

I had not changed the osgi.bundle file in the module where I renamed the
classes. So the newly-renamed classes were never visible outside the

I think it would be good if the build would warn (or fail?) if the
osgi.bundle file specifies exports that match no classes in the module.

I am also not sure why my local build worked fine. A puzzle for another

- Tim

Tim Quinn wrote:
> I checked in some "simple" file renaming changes and now the server
> won't restart on Hudson for the QL jobs. I downloaded the web.xml
> used by the devbuild QL tests and it does not start for me locally
> either.
> I am investigating but would welcome any advice on finding the problem.
> The server reports the errors below but there is not enough to reveal
> the underlying cause. The class it says it cannot find refers to
> another class in the autodeployer that in turn refers to a service
> "deploy.command" that is provided by one of the renamed classes. So I
> suspect that may be related to the problem but my search of the code
> base well before my check-in revealed no other references to the
> package I renamed.
> - Tim
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.909-0700|INFO||org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;org.glassfish.deployment.deployment-autodeploy
> [42];|Started bundle org.glassfish.deployment.deployment-autodeploy
> [42]|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.910-0700|SEVERE||org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Exception
> in module org.glassfish.deployment.deployment-autodeploy [42] :
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy.AutoDeployService|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.910-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Exception
> in thread "GlassFish Kernel Main Thread" |#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.982-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|org.jvnet.hk2.component.ComponentException:
> Failed to load org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy.AutoDeployService
> from org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter.OSGiModuleImpl$1$1_at_8b058b|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.983-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.fetch(|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.983-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.type(|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.983-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.983-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at
> com.sun.enterprise.v3.server.AppServerStartup$|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.983-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|Caused
> by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> org.glassfish.deployment.autodeploy.AutoDeployService|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.984-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at
> org.jvnet.hk2.osgiadapter.OSGiModuleImpl$1$1.loadClass(|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.984-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> at com.sun.hk2.component.LazyInhabitant.fetch(|#]
> [#|2008-09-01T14:16:56.984-0700|SEVERE||null|_ThreadID=12;_ThreadName=Thread-3;|
> ... 3 more|#]