I just updated my workspace, ran the quicklook tests with the undeploy
target removed so nothing was undeployed. I then brought up the server
and it came up fine. I think all the known issues are resolved.
Jerome Dochez wrote:
> I just fixed both issues, can you try again and let me know how this
> flies...
> thanks, jerome
> Anissa Lam wrote:
>> Hi Carla,
>> Seems most of the discussion is about ResourceBundle related to web,
>> I just want to make sure that we are aware that Security is giving the
>> same exception as i mentioned in previous email.
>> SEVERE: java.util.logging.ErrorManager: 5: Error in formatting Logrecord
>> Sep 10, 2008 6:24:47 PM SEVERE: java.util.MissingResourceException:
>> *Can't find bundle for base name
>> com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.core.security.LogStrings, locale en_US*
>> Sep 10, 2008 6:24:47 PM SEVERE: at
>> java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(ResourceBundle.java:836)
>> You will see this if you do this step:
>> - start server
>> - deploy an app that requires authentication, a basic form will do.
>> - restart server
>> thanks
>> Anissa.
>> Carla Mott wrote:
>>> One issue I ran into was that I needed to import the package to the
>>> bundle that wanted to use it. Exporting is not enough.
>>> Jan,
>>> Are you saying that if you put LogStrings.properties in the web-util
>>> package it is not getting picked up? If not there then are you
>>> importing it?
>>> I will deploy an app and restart the server to see if the resource
>>> bundles are not getting picked up. I had not tried that but really
>>> was running the quicklook tests.
>>> Carla
>>> Marina Vatkina wrote:
>>>> We need a QL test that restarts the server between a deploy and run
>>>> at least for 1 test :(.
>>>> Will it help to move the bundle to com.sun.enterprise.web? To import
>>>> the package explicitly?
>>>> Or move to some other package that web-util had been exported before?
>>>> Or will there be another logger request from a class that is not in
>>>> com.sun.enterprise.web sub-package?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> -marina
>>>> Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>>> On 09/10/08 05:55 PM, Jan Luehe wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Carla,
>>>>>> after adding com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.container.web
>>>>>> (which is the
>>>>>> package containing LogStrings.properties) to web/war-util's list
>>>>>> of exported
>>>>>> packages (as per the attached diffs), all is well. :)
>>>>> I spoke too early, I'm still seeing the failure.
>>>>> It can be reproduced as follows:
>>>>> - start the domain
>>>>> - deploy a war file
>>>>> - stop and restart the domain
>>>>> The restart will fail with this error:
>>>>> Caused by: java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find bundle
>>>>> for base name
>>>>> com.sun.logging.enterprise.system.container.web.LogStrings, locale en
>>>>> at
>>>>> java.util.ResourceBundle.throwMissingResourceException(ResourceBundle.java:836)
>>>>> at
>>>>> java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundleImpl(ResourceBundle.java:805)
>>>>> at java.util.ResourceBundle.getBundle(ResourceBundle.java:699)
>>>>> at
>>>>> com.sun.logging.LogDomains$1.getResourceBundle(LogDomains.java:260)
>>>>> at
>>>>> com.sun.enterprise.web.connector.coyote.PECoyoteConnector.<clinit>(PECoyoteConnector.java:88)
>>>>> ... 25 more
>>>>> If I copy the LogStrings.properties from web/war-util to
>>>>> web/web-glue, all is fine.
>>>>> So it seems the classloader for web/web-glue (which is responsible
>>>>> for loading PECoyoteConnector)
>>>>> does not have access to the LogStrings.properties in web/war-util.
>>>>> So I tried to have web/war-util export the package in which
>>>>> LogStrings.properties resides,
>>>>> but that does not seem to help.
>>>>> Jan
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