- "from java" exceptions
- "java.io.IOException: Error writing to server"
- (Suggestion) Update to JAX-WS website, User's Guide and Articles pages
- 1:1 mapping between business logic and service implementation class
- 2nd try: Avoid both JAXB2 binding as well DOM creation for a document fragment?
- <class> is not found. Have you run APT to generate them?
- [ANN]vtd-xml 1.7 released
- [Fwd: How to add elementFormDefault to a WebService]
- [Fwd: JAX-WS + EJB3.0 aka. Webservice implemented as stateless session bean]
- [Fwd: Problem with SOAPHandler and "Content is not allowed in prolog." Error.]
- [Fwd: Watch update: new message in forum Web Services Interoperability Technology by skrewdriver]
- [Issue 13] Problem running WS client in Applet
- [jax-ws] wsimport wsgen
- [JAX-WS] wsimport wsgen XmlElementDecl
- [jaxwsa-users] How do I set "To" and "From" in JAX-WSA?
- [jaxwsa-users] wsimport error consuming .Net web service WSDL
- [nbj2ee] Web Services
- [nbusers] (newbie) WS client problem: SOAPXMLDecoder excpetion
- [nbusers] JAX-WS 2.0 Web service client in Netbeans 5 hitting HTTPS web service and getting error, help?
- [users_at_jax-ws.dev.java.net] wsimport wsgen help please
- [WebService] How to fill a HashMap ?
- [wsgen] sei Class not found
- _at_WebFault namespace customization
- _at_WebService and targetNamespace weirdness
- _at_WebServiceProvider deployment failure related to WSDL <xs:include ...>
- Absolute URL path in generated Service class
- Add extensibility elements to WSDL
- Adding custom <xs:element> declarations
- Additional attr/element after xjc generation
- Annotaion help for newbe pls
- Anouncement of JAX-WS 2.1 Maintenance Release
- Ant script
- Anticipate usage of java.xml.ws.Endpoint?
- any sample for using soap attachment in web services?
- APT out of memory
- APT out or memory
- architecture for an Enterprise application
- Arrays to generic lists?
- Ask the Experts Session on JAX-WS 2.1, Feb. 26-Mar. 2
- Attachments not appearing in SOAP message
- Attachments not appearing in SOAP message (bug?)
- Automatic descriptors for jaxws
- Avoid both JAXB2 binding as well DOM creation for a document fragment?
- Axis to JAX WS
- axis to jax-ws: message processing?
- Bare binding causes inability to have multiple web methods
- blog about "JAX-WS RESTful Web Service - AJAX client"
- BOM handling
- Bug in "Building JAX-WS 2.0 Services with Netberans 5.0 and Glass fish"
- Building JAX-WS 2.0 Services with NetBeans
- Building JAX-WS 2.0 Services with NetBeans 5.0 and GlassFish
- Can JAX-WS RI generate wrapper bean class ?
- Can we reuse the port instance?
- Can wsimport generate classes with relative wsdl path?
- Cannot run stateful example with the 2.1EA3 release
- capturing the SOAP files at Client end in JAX-WS
- Circular relationship problems with jaxb and jax-ws
- class not found in WSServletContextListener
- Class Webmethod return type
- Classloader issue fix with usage of JAXWS 2.1/JDK 1.6/Tomcat 5.5/Netbeans 5.5
- Client side generated files
- Collection classes as parameter for a service / Problem with schema generation
- Connection timeout when changing ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY in runtime
- Contract First approach in JAX-WS 2.0
- Controlling Generation of Beans used in WebServices Operations
- Controlling target version in JAX-WS.
- cookie tracking across multiple services?
- cud not able to run JAXWS 2.1 samples
- custom JAXBContext w/ web services?
- Customization: Separate package for exception / fault classes
- Customizing inline schema
- Customizing namespace prefixes used by client
- Databinding frameworks support
- DataSource usage in JAX-WS servers?
- Date instead of XMLGregorianCalendar
- Deploying JAX-WS RI in Tomcat cluster
- Deployment customization
- Disabling xml declaration in JAX-WS
- Dispatch and Service
- Dispatch with JAXBContext Problem
- Dispatch.getResponseContext() - HTTP_RESPONSE_CODE is null
- Dispatch.invoke with HTTPBinding - problem doing simple "GET"
- Dispatch<Source> for SOAP 1.1 Envelope throws ClassCastException: com.sun.xml.ws.message.stream.StreamHeader11
- does a "description webservice annotation" exist?
- dotNET Interoperability
- dotNET Interoperability again
- DWR and JAX-WS endpoints
- Dynamic content from Endpoint.getMetadata
- Eclipse with jax-ws, possible?
- EJB/JAXB Exception
- Empty List vs. Null List using _at_XmlElementWrapper
- enable-mtom value at runtime
- Enabling mtom at server side
- Encoded use
- Endpoint publish() and NOT SUPPORTED exception
- Endpoint.publish() & wsgen
- Endpoint.publish() on another computer
- Endpoint.setMetadata(...) problem
- Equals method needed
- Error in decoding SOAP Message / Dispatch method cannot be found due to namespace problem
- error: uniqueness constraint violation
- Errors consuming a PHP Based Web service through JAX-WS
- Example custom-server.xml bindings file
- Exception in fromwsdl sample
- Exceptions
- Exceptions thrown over JAX-WS web service not thrown on client side
- Exporting whole package in WSDL
- Extensions and Providers
- failed to parse runtime descriptor: java.lang.VerifyError
- Fall back
- fhow to get and see SOAP message when testing web service
- Final class fields
- for
- for asynchronous service from WSDL
- for creating a service from WSDL in NetBean 5.5
- for creating a web service from WSDL in NetBean 5.5
- for creating a web service from WSDL on NetBean 5.5
- for creating web service from WSDL using Netbean 5.5
- for error for testing web service
- for error information of multicat socket in web servce implementation
- for error of add web service in NetBean
- for error of Socke Permission in the web service
- for importing XMl schema in WSDL file
- for MulticastSocket error
- for MulticastSocket error to implement web service
- for problem of using nested ComplexType
- for problem to access denied using SocketPermission("", "connect,accept")
- for questions of fromwsdl example of JAX-WS 2.0
- for service deploy problem in Netbean 5.5
- for web service deployment
- for WS-Notification
- Fwd: for error of JAX-WS-2.0 example
- Generating inline schema
- Generating portable artifacts without a Service Endpoint Implementation
- generating WSDL without deploying
- Getting Server Port in a jax-ws web service ?
- getting SOAPFactory on server side handler
- Getting started with GetterWebService
- Getting started!!
- GFv2 - Removal of appserv-ws.jar binary
- Glassfish Java 1.6 Error]
- Glassfish v2 JAX-WS RI vs JAX-WS 2.1.1
- handler changes content-type
- HandlerChain and Java SE 6
- header out WebParam causing WebResult annotation to be ignored
- Help on com.sun.tools.ws.ant.WsImport cannot be found
- Hi there all!!
- How can you change the endpoint programmatically?
- How do I attach a soap message?
- How do I attach soap header?
- how do I load external data with relative path?
- How do I send XML in SOAP message with jax-ws?
- How do I set "To" and "From" in JAX-WSA?
- how do you use JAX-WS RI with Java 6 SE or later?
- How should we pass parameters to a web service?
- How to activate gzip compression on jax-ws client side
- how to annotate a Java SE based endpoint with MemberSubmissionAddressing?
- How to avoid nested java types in generated exception classes (WSDL to Java)?
- How to consume a webservice that is available over https
- How to create a web service in NetBean5.5
- How to create JAX-WS 2.0 service with NetBean 5.0
- how to fix misunderstood headers on an endpoint that should be understood
- How to implement "multiplexed endpoint reference" pattern on JAX-WS 2.1?
- How to know the WSDL Operation invoked
- How to reset the jaxbContext than jaxws catched?
- How to test a JAX-WS service with a object as input parameters in Netbean5.5
- How to use javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement
- How to write a client with JAX-WS final release
- how to write a xsd that mapping to java.util.Map
- HTTP Binding - Support for "GET"?
- HTTP redirect of web service
- http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace prefix problem in the soap envelope generated by JAX-WS2.0
- https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/articles/jaxws-netbeans/
- I have a web service that i create using netbeans, now i want to call its methods by soap messages..
- i need some resource on java ee 5 web services
- Implicitly generation schema mapping
- in Jax-RPC we have ServiceFactory, what do we have in JAX-WS for dynamic client creation?
- Inline schema generation
- Intercepting SOAP Messages
- Invalid MTOM Responses?
- Invoking a .NET web service using JAX-WS 2.0
- is it possible to return a string[][]
- is there any platform limitations for JAXWS?
- Issue 247 NPE when acessing web resource
- Issue with usage of JAXWS 2.1/Tomcat 5.5/Netbeans 5.5
- Issues with wsimport and union
- Jars required for JAX-WS Client
- Java to WSDL to Java with Soap Headers
- Java Web Services
- java ws client in netbeans 5.5 and best IDE
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException .remove(javax.xml.ws.BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY)
- java.net.jax-ws has been migrated to GitHub and groups.io discussion service
- JavaOne presentations
- JAX-WS (nightly build) + GlassFish or Tomcat: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: c
- JAX-WS (nightly build) + GlassFish or Tomcat: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: com.sun.xml.stream.XMLEntityStorage
- JAX-WS + EJB3.0 aka. Webservice implemented as stateless session bean
- JAX-WS 2.0 & .NET 1.1/2.0
- jax-ws 2.0 and SUNWAPP 8.2
- JAX-WS 2.0 backwards compatibility
- JAX-WS 2.0 EA3 available
- jax-ws 2.0 example
- JAX-WS 2.0 mtom soap 1.2 interoperability issue - need help
- JAX-WS 2.0 Samples on Tomcat 5.5.x
- JAX-WS 2.0 Web service client in Netbeans 5 hitting HTTPS web service and getting error, help?
- JAX-WS 2.0 with NetBeans 5.0
- JAX-WS 2.0, Netbeans, and Tomcat comments
- JAX-WS 2.1 backward compatibility (was "turning off WS-Policy (and/or WSIT)")
- JAX-WS 2.1.1 RC1 posted
- JAX-WS 2.1.1 sample implementation tutorial
- JAX-WS 2.1.2 RI M1 is posted
- JAX-WS 2.2.6 Released
- JAX-WS and cache
- JAX-WS and HTTP Proxies
- JAX-WS and Java Web Start
- JAX-WS Applets and NetBeans
- JAX-WS client generation fails for Amazon WSDL
- JAX-WS clients not honoring proxySet and/or http(s).nonProxyHosts?
- JAX-WS Commons Spring integration 1.5 breaks existing code
- jax-ws doesn't like http redirect?
- JAX-WS General usage questions
- JAX-WS packaging question
- JAX-WS positioning relative to WSIF
- JAX-WS RI 2.1 is Final!
- JAX-WS RI 2.2.8: Client proxy throws NullPointerException on receipt of HTTP 202 with non-anonyous ReplyTo address for ws-addressing
- JAX-WS service on Tomcat without sun-jaxws.xml
- JAX-WS services deployment
- JAX-WS SOAP client tutorial?
- JAX-WS support for Event notification
- JAX-WS/WSIT and project in CVS
- JAX-WS: Multiple ports but one service and one WSDL one URL pattern
- JAX-WS: Problem experienced using _at_WebServiceProvider annotation...
- JAX-WS: Static stubs or Dispatch/Provider?
- JAXB xsi:type problem
- JAXWS 2.0 Web service client -> java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError
- JAXWS 2.0.1 Milestone 1 Released
- JAXWS 2.0.1 nightly build now available
- JAXWS 2.1 - problem with soap 1.2 sample (fromjava_soap12.server)
- JAXWS 2.1 EA1 is Out
- JAXWS 2.1 EA3 Released
- JAXWS and Oracle
- JAXWS Roadmap
- Jboss & jax-ws
- JBoss and/or JAX-WS Time frame
- JDJ Readers' Choice vote is ongoing...
- JDK 6
- JSR 224 Final ?
- JWS 2.0 and SAS
- JWSDP 1.6 AND jaxb 2.0
- JWSDP 2.0
- JWSDP 2.0 is now available
- JWSDP 2.0 mtom soap 1.2 interoperability issue - need help
- JWSDP 2.0 mtom soap 1.2 interoperability issue -SOAP traffic
- JWSDP and multiple transports
- Jwsdp-2.0 samples
- knowns Issues with JAX-WS and apt and multiples services using parameterStyle=SOAPBinding.ParameterStyle.BARE ?
- Load Balancer Woes
- LocalTransportFactory exception not found when invoking generated client stub
- Looking for JAX-WS contributors
- Making Input Parameters Required
- Mapping Hashmaps
- Marshalling custom classes
- Maven archetype for jsr181 component.
- Maven Repo for JAX-WS 2.1.1
- Maybe a feature request - what do you think?
- Message unmarshalling problem
- Metro 2.3 released
- Migrating services from JWSDP 1.6 to JAX-WS 2.0
- Minor tool changes
- Missing some classes !?!
- Missing something.
- MTOM and SOAPHandler performance issue
- MTOM and XML validation
- MTOM inlining large amounts of data
- MTOM Interoperability - exact compare
- Multiple EJBs into one web service
- Multiple web service interfaces on the same project
- Multiple web services and HTTP session
- Multiple WSDL imports with the same namespace?
- Need help to map annotation to the wsdl component
- need help with examples
- Need your help...
- NetBeans - WS Question
- NoClassDefFoundError: com/sun/istack/XMLStreamReaderToContentHandler
- NPE inside SOAPEncoder
- NPE when using jax-ws generated client
- NPE when using jax-ws generated client resolved
- NullPointerException
- NullPointerException during wsgen.sh
- NullPointerException when running client
- NullPointerException: charsetName
- Please help java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.sun.org.apache.xerces.internal.dom.DocumentImpl
- POJO with annotations using Resin app server
- Problem binding specific complexTypes to packages
- Problem consuming jax ws web service with flash 8
- Problem during deploy of Java Webservice with Java 6
- Problem importing wsdl file (cannot resolve name)
- problem integrating jax-ws into spring application
- Problem mapping soap response to java objects
- Problem of Conversion of JAX WS webservice and using it in .NET
- Problem when create client for web services because of XSD import url
- Problem with AccessType in J2EE5
- problem with jax-ws and optional attributes
- Problem with recursive/circular data references via SOAP
- Problem with SOAPHandler and "Content is not allowed in prolog." Error.
- Problem with string arrays containing nulls
- Problem with WS client in an applet
- Problem with wsgen and ejb3 entidy.
- Problems with ant wsgen
- Problems with JAX-WS2.1 / Out of Memory - possible Solution
- Problems with the new version EA3
- Problems with wsimport / wsgen
- Proper way to convert Calendar to XMLGregorianCalendar and vice/versa
- Provider API with JAXB
- Provider Endpoint with multiple operations
- Q. RESTful Web Service and QUERY_STRING
- Q: EndpointReference in service.createDispatch(EndpointReference, ...)?
- Question about wsdl20
- Question regarding JaxWS and namespace prefixes.
- Re-Send: JAX-WS/WSIT: Server-side logging of HTTP 500 response content in Oneway scenario?
- Re-Send: Q: EndpointReference in service.createDispatch(EndpointReference, ...)?]
- Recursive references in WSDL types
- RemoteException not found in the model!
- Repost : jax-ws to wsdl
- Required Jars on Java 6 SE
- REST endpoints with _at_WebServiceProvider and the Content-type HTTP request header
- Restful service example includes WSDL ??
- runtime modeler error
- SAAJ issue
- Sample WAR files
- samples for jax-ws
- schema generated classes for POJOs
- Schema generation
- schema generation problem
- Sending large text input
- sending mtom messages and handlers
- server side java ee architecture question
- Service Initialisation
- SHA256 digest algorithm
- Shared runtime?
- SOAP attachments Interoperability
- Soap Faults
- SOAP WSA Header with jwsdp-1.6
- soapenc:Array
- Some questions about JAX-WS version and jws
- Specifiying keystore on a per-Service basis
- Specify jaxb packages for web service?
- Spring for configuring JAX-WS, Tomcat: White spaces are required between publicId and systemId
- stateful behavior of web service implementing Provider<Source>
- Stateful web service
- stateful-sample feedback
- Still wsimport errors using JAX-WS 2.1EA3 (was: Strange wsimport and WSDL/XSD validation issues: Name resolution)
- Strange wsimport and WSDL/XSD validation issues: Name resolution
- Streaming Data with JAX-WS
- Streams?
- Target namespace of a single object
- testing JAX-WS 2.0 mtom sample
- The difference between Async Polling and Async Callback
- tied to HTTP only - serious limitation
- Tomcat + JAX-WS + JSR109
- Tomcat problem
- Transcript available for Ask the Experts session on JAX-WS 2.1
- Trying to use JAX-WS , problem with apt
- turning off WS-Policy (and/or WSIT)
- turning on JAXB validation inside of JAX-WS endpoint
- Typo in error message
- Usage of JAXR client libraries
- use case for dynamic proxy?
- Use of JAXWS in JBoss 4.0.4GA
- User guide and RI documentation
- Using JAX-WS 2.0 with NetBeans (4.1, 5.0 beta 2)
- Using JAX-WS with other application engines
- using jaxb extensions with jaxws
- Using JAXWS on OC4J 10.1.3, is it possible?
- Validating mandatory parameters of XML using JAXB 2.0
- Validation of WSDL
- Web service clients for the non-clairvoyant
- Web Service State & Stateless Options
- Web Services Performance survey
- WebServiceContext not being injected
- Weird behaviour in ACC when using _at_WebServiceRef
- what is difference between GlassFish and Sun Java System Application Server 9.0 ???
- what is wrong with my web service and its client ?
- when download file from server, exception happened, but some times it is correct
- Where can i get the schema for jax-ws binding customizations?
- Where to get jax-ws 2.1.8 from ?
- Which Java technology is better for delivering data stream between clients and servers
- White paper:Document-Based Web Services With JAX-WS 2.0
- Wow...
- WS 2.1 webstart JRE 1.6 client , endorse how ?
- WS-Security not working with JAX-WS 2.1 (only with 2.0)
- WS-SecurityPolicy
- WScompile bizarre behavor
- wscompile vs. wsimport
- WSDL decimal type and different locales
- WSDL generation problem
- WSDL Polymorphism
- WSGEN Classpath
- WSGEN compile mutliple service endpoints
- wsgen issue: not using schema provided
- wsgen question
- wsgen: _at_XmlAttachmentRef, namespace schema location not imported
- wsi file extension
- wsimport doesn't support rcp style wsdl?
- wsimport doesn't support rcp style wsdl? [SORRY]
- wsimport generates broken service from eBay WSDL
- Wsimport questions
- wsimport throwing NoClassDefFoundError
- wsimport.bat
- XFire client and JAX-WS
- XML Catalogs with wsimport - NOT WORKING ??
- XML Schema for JAX-WS customizations
- XML Schema generation for collections
- XML Web Services Security
- xs:nill
- XWS integration
- XWSS prints SOAP message
- Last message date: Wed May 10 17:57:49 2017
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:15:12 2017 PDT