Re: JAX-WS and Java Web Start

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 13 Jul 2007 16:28:12 -0700

Fisher, Brice A wrote:
> I have a customer who wants to use JAX-WS in an application that is
> distributed via Java Web Start. However, he is unable to get it
> working because of the need to set the "java.endorsed.dirs" property
> to refer to the correct JAX-WS jars (which are distributed with the
> application). I've been unable to find any mention of using
> "java.endorsed.dirs" with Java Web Start in the Java Web Start
> documentation or in discussion groups on the web. Does anyone have a
> solution for using JAX-WS in a Java Web Start application?
> Thanks,
> - Brice
JAX-WS RI 2.1.x will not work with JDK 6 Java Web Start(because of
endorsed dir). Best bet is to try with JDK5 or JAX-WS 2.x+JDK6/JDK5.

However we are discussing with SE team for the inclusion of JAX-WS RI
2.1.x in some JDK 6 update release. But it is not yet certain.
