Extensions and Providers

From: Hegerle, Blake <>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 10:10:34 -0600

First of all, I am having trouble implementing a customer I tried creating a file named which contains the package.classname that I
want to use, but jax-ws doesn't seem to pick up my class. I would
appreciate some help - I'm using JAX-WS 2.0.

The reason that I want to do this is to achieve interoperability with
some customized WCF code we are using. I'll try to describe my goal in
WCF terms. We would like to take a contract (or portType) and locate
endpoints (or ports) at runtime, based on a user-defined method. Instead
of using basicHttpBinding, we use a custom binding, constructed by
inserting a custom BindingElement into the binding. We reuse the
standard HTTP transport BindingElement to do the actual transport; the
custom binding element is simply there to dispatch (and optionally
retry) the request.

We would like to do this in JAX-WS. Our questions are as follows.

1. What is the equivalent of the BindingElement stack?

2. Is it possible for an application to control the makeup of the
BindingElement stack?

3. Can a BindingElement (the equivalent of one, at least) be constructed
and inserted into a known location of the BindingElement stack?

4. Can this binding use the standard transport BindingElements (e.g. the
HTTP transport BindingElement)?


Blake Hegerle