Re: JAX-WS: Multiple ports but one service and one WSDL one URL pattern

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2012 11:18:30 -0600

On Mar 13 Nov 2012 17:01:53 Lukas Jungmann escribió:
> you have two options which should work:
> 1) create dummy implementations, generate 2 WSDLs, manually join them
> into one and then create services from this wsdl

I got this working, but the problem is that it always will generate two URL,
one per port, not just one, although is the same WSDL. Because if I duplicate
the url-pattern for both ports the WAR is deployed but a warning message is
displayed telling that one of the ports has a duplicate url pattern, and the
client throws an exception when invoking this port.

I think that if the serviceName is the same in all ports, JAXWS should be able
to generate automatically only URL, only one WSDL.

Do you have any other idea around this approach (just one URL).

> 2) expose one hand written WSDL which would import 2 wsdls published by
> RI and delegate to it

In a test case scenario is easy, but in my real project it will be paitful, a
lot of XSD for every JAXB type.

Thank you in advance for your support.