RE: Eclipse with jax-ws, possible?

From: Marian, Sahaya <>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 13:00:30 -0500

I am using eclipse for my project. Please put Jax-ws libraries in your
class path. How you used to refer your jars. Similarly you do it for
jax-ws jar files too using property. ie. right click the project and
edit the property. Write a build.xml, then start running your web


From: Raymond M. Lukas []
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2006 11:13 AM
Subject: Eclipse with jax-ws, possible?

I have a very simple question. Can I, and if so how would I, use Eclipse
to create and debug a Jax-WS based application. All of the examples are
based on the Netbeans IDE. We would really like to use Jax-Ws but our
corporate standard is Eclipse, (myEclipse to be exact). Am I stuck on
the outside looking in? Or have I missed some well hidden write-ups on
Thanks for the time and help.