DataSource usage in JAX-WS servers?

From: Owen Medd <>
Date: Fri, 6 Jan 2006 20:18:45 -0500

So I've successfully dealt with grabbing WebServiceContext's using the
@Resource annotation and read documentation that I could possibly use
@Resource to reference DataSource's. It's unclear to me whether this is an
EJB 3.0 annotation that is not available to me (yet) using only the JAX-WS
2.0 ea3 code or whether I'm just doing something wrong.

This line of code seems like it should work:
    @Resource(name="jdbc/etlMCOM") private DataSource ds;
but all I ever get for ds is null. This line works fine to grab the
     @Resource private WebServiceContext ctx;

I have a little jsp that successfully accesses this DataSource, so I'm
pretty confident the DataSource itself is okay.

Is there a different way to access DataSources? Hints appreciated.

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