Re: Building JAX-WS 2.0 Services with NetBeans 5.0 and GlassFish

From: vince kraemer <>
Date: Sat, 7 Jan 2006 09:46:55 -0800

I read through your article and I am a bit confused about a couple

1. Why do you create a library that includes ALL of the GlassFish jars?

2. Why do you add a target to execute wsgen? I thought GlassFish
does that during its deployment processing, as long as the web app is
a Java EE 5 web app....

3. When I paste the code into my editor, I see the
error squiggles under the imports and other places... Why? Is there
a way to restructure the workflow so folks aren't seeing this in
their own development projects/process? I know that I hate to hit
compile and/or run project when the editor is telling me there are
