Empty List vs. Null List using _at_XmlElementWrapper

From: Duane Homick <>
Date: Tue, 23 May 2006 16:39:35 -0400

We have a service endpoint that treats an empty list differently than a
null list (ie. If the parameter is null, ignore it. If it is not null,
do some work where an empty list is valid input)


We have a request object similar to:


@XmlRootElement(name = "ModifyFooRequest")


@XmlType(name = " ModifyFooRequest ", propOrder = {"m_values"})

public class ModifyFooRequest


    @XmlElementWrapper(name = "Values", nillable = true)

    @XmlElement(name = "Value", type = Value.class)

    private List< Value > m_values;


  // getters/setters





If I send the xml below:







                 targetNamespace="http:// mynamespace ">






The server side gets the request object with values = null. I would
expect that values would be an empty list in this case because of the
nillable=true attribute on the xml element wrapper annotation.


Am I doing something wrong here? Is there a different way to get an
empty list across the wire instead of a null list?


Any help would be appreciated.



Duane Homick