- What is the use of <jvmarg> option of the <apt> ant task ?
It creates -Jattribute parameter to JVM, and -J* is unrecognized by sun
jre ....
- setting fork="false" and using ANT_OPTS does not work due to the
following :
- [apt] warning: *Bad annotation processor factory*:
-Am I the first one compiling 8xx classes using jax-ws ATP tool ? :-)
Dima Gutzeit.
Dima Gutzeit wrote:
> Hi,
> I am building a project which is growing to be a large one, and when
> compiling it using APT provided in jaxws-tools I get OutOfMemory
> exceptions and its kind of stopping me :-(
> Is there any way to increase the memory of the APT tool ? I know that
> apt coming with ant has a "maximumMemorySize" but it does exist in the
> jax-ws one.
> Does anyone has any suggestions ?
> Regards,
> Dima Gutzeit.
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