>The java code of the testcase:
> // Server
> PortalEaiPortBugRepImpl portalEaiPortImpl = new
> Endpoint portalEaiEndpoint =
> portalEaiPortImpl);
In the above case, a new WSDL is generated. Can you verify the generated
http://localhost:8080/jaxws-test/portalEai?wsdl. Check the binding section for the namespace.
You could also make endpoint to publish your original WSDL by using
endpoint.setMetadata(). This forum thread would help you on setting WSDL
& schema documents as metadata.
If you include the original WSDL and schema documents as metadata, it
will be used to find some binding information. Hopefully, that would
solve your problem.
> // Client Start
> PortalEaiService portalEaiService = new PortalEaiService();
> PortalEaiPortType portalEaiPortType =
> Map requestContext = ((BindingProvider)
> requestContext.put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,
> "http://localhost:82/jaxws-test/portalEai");
Isn't the server started above on port 8080 ? So why are you using 82 ?
Are you using the server at 8080 for some other purpose ?
> String checkAddressResult =
> assertEquals("checkAddressResult.getOverallRemark()", "OverallRemark
> checkAddressResult);
> // Client end
> // Server stop
> portalEaiEndpoint.stop();
>The dummy server implementation:
>@WebService(endpointInterface =
>public class PortalEaiPortBugRepImpl implements PortalEaiPortType
> public String checkAddress(String checkAddressRequest)
> {
> return "Response test string";
> }
>Thanks in advance,
>Chris Wewerka