Re: Error in decoding SOAP Message / Dispatch method cannot be found due to namespace problem

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 10 May 2006 07:57:35 -0700 wrote:
> The server is implemented using the "J2SE Endpoint" feature of jaxws. See
> the first lines of the testcase I've written below.
Which build of mustang (j2se 6.0) you're using? I dont think this fix
has yet made into mustang.

Can you try endorsed dir mechanism[1] to override jaxws-rt.jar classes
in mustang?
> I've checked my classpath for running the testcase again. The jaxws-rt.jar
> occurs (correctly) only once and in it's manifest, there is the correct
> build tag:
> Build-Version: JAX-WS RI 2.0_01-05/04/2006 09:42 AM(bbissett)-fcs
> The other jars are also up to date.

Since you're using j2se (6.0) which also has jaxws ri classes and only
way tooverride will be to use endorsed standard override mechanism.



> Chris

Vivek Pandey
Web Services Technologies and Standards
Sun Microsystems Inc.