WSDL Polymorphism

From: Ryan LeCompte <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 11:55:11 -0500

Hello all,
I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the notion of WSDL polymorphism. Is this something that is interoperable among all web service stacks? For example, I'd like to basically represent the following in WSDL:
class Base {
   string commonValue1;
   string commonValue2;
class ChildOne extends Base {
   string childOneValue1;
   string childOneValue2;
class ChildTwo extends Base {
   string childTwoValue1;
   string childTwoValue2;
(note that the above is just pseudo code)
Does WSDL support the above notion of inheritance, polymorphism? If so, will all WSDL stacks generate the right interfaces? What about langauges that don't support type-safety, such as Python/Perl? Is it best to just have two different types and duplicate the "commonValue1" and "commonValue2" for the sake of interoperability?