Re: WSDL Polymorphism

From: Edoardo Causarano <>
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2006 19:22:35 +0100

I believe you have to use xsd schema to define an xsd:complexType
(eventually abstract) and define further subclasses using
xsd:complexType/complexContent/extention elements with the
appropriate [@base="my:parentType] (I'm guess-presenting xpath,
btw... please bear with me ;-) ) If the bean mapping framework is
good enough it should be fine.

Polimorphism requires the use of substitution groups ( http:// ). While
theoretically fine as long as soap:body payloads are concerned in a
doc/lit service, I don't think jaxb supports it. I also sense trouble
as far as SOAP method lookup is concerned. IMHO, the current method
based on the argument signature is ass-backward anyway and I don't
see how could a SOAP engine decide what derivation to call after

To do such thing properly jaxb should generate interface classes and
implementing beans, while jax-rpc generate stubs/skels on those
interface signatures. The SOAP servlet would then, somehow create the
correct object (I was thinking about a SOAP Header extension but that
would be too easy wouldn't it?), a business visitor and ask the
object to accept it.

My 2c,

Il giorno 19/gen/06, alle ore 17:55GMT+01:00, Ryan LeCompte ha scritto:

> Hello all,
> I was wondering if anyone could shed any light on the notion of
> WSDL polymorphism. Is this something that is interoperable among
> all web service stacks? For example, I'd like to basically
> represent the following in WSDL:
> class Base {
> string commonValue1;
> string commonValue2;
> }
> class ChildOne extends Base {
> string childOneValue1;
> string childOneValue2;
> }
> class ChildTwo extends Base {
> string childTwoValue1;
> string childTwoValue2;
> }
> (note that the above is just pseudo code)
> Does WSDL support the above notion of inheritance, polymorphism? If
> so, will all WSDL stacks generate the right interfaces? What about
> langauges that don't support type-safety, such as Python/Perl? Is
> it best to just have two different types and duplicate the
> "commonValue1" and "commonValue2" for the sake of interoperability?
> Thanks!
> Ryan