Re: Endpoint.publish() on another computer

From: Jitendra Kotamraju <Jitendra.Kotamraju_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 17 Jan 2007 07:29:16 -0800

What is String argument to Endpoint.publish() ? Can you access the WSDL
from any browser (WSDL can be accessed using address?wsdl) ? Try from
the hosted machine and client machine.


Daniel Kasmeroglu wrote:
> Here's another question (yes, I'm a novice ;-),
> I've implemented a simple webservice (just a function making a string
> uppercase) plus a little client which both are working fine, as long
> as they are on the same computer. But when I run the Java internal
> server on another computer (within a local network) I always get a
> ConnectException and I have no idea why. I'm addressing the webservice
> using it's IP and I've shutdown my firewall, so this cannot be
> possible connection problems. I also started a ServerSocket on the
> servicing computer (obviously on another port) and I can connect to
> it. So I can reach the computer via a proprietary connection but not
> using my webservice client (just to make sure that this doesn't come
> up: I'm using freshly generated classes from 'wsgen' and 'wsimport').
> Any ideas ?
> Ciao
> Kasimir
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