[wsgen] sei Class not found

From: Baker, Brad \(Contr\) <"Baker,>
Date: Thu, 7 Dec 2006 13:29:08 -0500

Hi all,


My wsgen ant script is failing and I don't see why.


I have:

    <target name="do-compile" depends="pre-compile">












                <path refid="proj.lib.classpath"/>

                <path refid="lib.classpath"/>


            <compilerarg line="${javac.compilerargs}"/>




And this compiles all my classes that the SCI will need including the
SCI it's self.


Then I have:

    <target name="wsgen" depends="compile, wsgen-init">









                <pathelement path="${j2ee.platform.wsgen.classpath}"/>

                <pathelement location="${build.classes.dir}"/>




But all I get is a Class not found for the SCI.

Did I mess up the classpath for wsgen?

The Compile compeats and I see all the classes in ${build.classes.dir},
so what have I missed?


