Re: WSGEN Classpath

From: Vijay Ramachandran <Vijay.Ramachandran_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 10:12:52 -0800

JAXWS team - any ideas ?

Kenneth Clark wrote:
> Just had an interesting battle with the wsgen tool and the -cp arg.
> Scenario
> I have a jar library external to my web service (it is a custom
> library that many web services will feed off)
> if in the -cp arg I put the physical path to the library (not
> packaged, extracted) and try run the wsgen tool it tell me it can find
> files but if I put the library in the same directory that I am running
> the wsgen tool from it worked.
> It also works if I put it in the PATH environment variable.
> example
> (library file)
> in a directory structure
> drive:\classes
> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass (webservice file)
> in a drictory structure
> drive:\webservice
> drive:\webservice>wsgen -cp drive:\classes
> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass -wsdl
> will return an error stating that the class (ClassName) cannot be
> found (this is based on the assumption that ClassName is being used by
> the web service).
> Am I doing something really stupid? Is this normal behaviour?
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