Re: WSGEN Classpath

From: Vivek Pandey <Vivek.Pandey_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 31 Oct 2006 14:07:25 -0800

Which JAXWS version you are trying? Your use case is supposed to work.
You may like to try the nightly of JAXWS 2.1, this might have been fixed.



Vijay Ramachandran wrote:
> JAXWS team - any ideas ?
> Kenneth Clark wrote:
>> Just had an interesting battle with the wsgen tool and the -cp arg.
>> Scenario
>> I have a jar library external to my web service (it is a custom
>> library that many web services will feed off)
>> if in the -cp arg I put the physical path to the library (not
>> packaged, extracted) and try run the wsgen tool it tell me it can
>> find files but if I put the library in the same directory that I am
>> running the wsgen tool from it worked.
>> It also works if I put it in the PATH environment variable.
>> example
>> (library file)
>> in a directory structure
>> drive:\classes
>> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass (webservice file)
>> in a drictory structure
>> drive:\webservice
>> drive:\webservice>wsgen -cp drive:\classes
>> company.webservices.ServiceEndPointClass -wsdl
>> will return an error stating that the class (ClassName) cannot be
>> found (this is based on the assumption that ClassName is being used
>> by the web service).
>> Am I doing something really stupid? Is this normal behaviour?
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