JAXWS 2.1 - problem with soap 1.2 sample (fromjava_soap12.server)

From: Henri Gomez <>
Date: Fri, 2 Mar 2007 11:07:45 +0100

Hi to all,

I tried to move some of my services from SOAP 1.1 to 1.2 and got problem.

I tried with the provided sample, fromjava_soap12, but the problem is the same :

SOAPUI 1.7 complains about 'Missing importer' :

Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Getting wsdl component from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Getting wsdl component from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Loading definition from cache
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseInputSource
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning latest import URI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Loaded definition: ok
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Loading schema types from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Getting schema
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Getting schema
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:schema for
[http://server.fromjava_soap12/] contained [{}] namespaces
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:schema for [] contained [{}] namespaces
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Finding importer for
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Finding importer for
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Missing importer for
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Missing importer for
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Getting wsdl component from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:37 CET 2007:DEBUG:Getting wsdl component from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Loading definition from cache
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseInputSource
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning baseURI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Returning latest import URI
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:DEBUG:Loaded definition: ok
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Loading schema types from
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Getting schema
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:Getting schema
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:schema for
[http://server.fromjava_soap12/] contained [{}] namespaces
Fri Mar 02 11:00:38 CET 2007:INFO:schema for [] contained [{}] namespaces

As such SOAPUI cant get the methods ;(

The generated WSDL is :

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <definitions xmlns:soap12=""
  <xsd:import namespace="http://server.fromjava_soap12/"
  <message name="addNumbers">
  <part name="parameters" element="tns:addNumbers" />
  <message name="addNumbersResponse">
  <part name="parameters" element="tns:addNumbersResponse" />
  <message name="AddNumbersException">
  <part name="fault" element="tns:AddNumbersException" />
  <portType name="AddNumbersImpl">
  <operation name="addNumbers">
  <input message="tns:addNumbers" />
  <output message="tns:addNumbersResponse" />
  <fault message="tns:AddNumbersException" name="AddNumbersException" />
  <binding name="AddNumbersImplPortBinding" type="tns:AddNumbersImpl">
style="document" />
  <operation name="addNumbers">
  <soap12:operation soapAction="" />
  <soap12:body use="literal" />
  <soap12:body use="literal" />
  <fault name="AddNumbersException">
  <soap12:fault name="AddNumbersException" use="literal" />
  <service name="AddNumbersImplService">
  <port name="AddNumbersImplPort" binding="tns:AddNumbersImplPortBinding">
  <soap12:address location="http://localhost:18501/soa-samples/addnumbers" />

Thanks for your help