I think the in-process optimizations would have to happen at a
lower-level from within the JAX-WS
Ryan LeCompte wrote:
>Thanks for the response. I think I have a clearer idea as to why one
>would want to use the Dispatch/Provider model. I always wondered if I
>could somehow bypass the versioning problems with static stubs by using
>the dispatch/provider dynamic model. I'm not so sure, though. It seems
>like if I use the dispatch/provider model, I would still be in the same
>situation with static stubs since I would have to keep track of which
>version of the WSDL I'm invoking.
>You mentioned a while back that in-process optimizations of web service
>operation invocations wasn't going to make it into JAX-WS 2.0. Do you
>think that the dispatch/provider model could help out in some way if I
>were to provide a custom implementation of this? Or would this have to
>happen at a lower level in the JAX-WS 2.0 stack in order for in-process
>optimizations to work?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Doug Kohlert [mailto:Doug.Kohlert_at_sun.com]
>Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 12:24 PM
>To: users_at_jax-ws.dev.java.net
>Subject: Re: JAX-WS: Static stubs or Dispatch/Provider?
>Dispatch/Provider are mainly used when you want to dynamically invoke an
>endpoint without any code generation.
>They can also be used when you (the developer) does not want to use JAXB
>for the databinding. Dispatch and
>Provider also allow you to send the entire message (SOAP message or just
>XML) so you don't have to use SOAP
>to send a message. Generally speaking, if you are trying to hit an
>endpoint that is described with a WSDL you would
>want to use a static stubs; however, you are of course not required to.
>If you are trying to hit an endpoint that is
>not described by a WSDL, such as a RESTful application, the Dispatch
>interface can be used.
>Ryan LeCompte wrote:
>>Hello all,
>>Could anyone please shed some light on when/why it's appropriate to
>>use the new Dispatch/Provider support in JAX-WS as opposed to static
>>stubs? Does the Dispatch/Provider assist at all with maintaining
>>multiple versions of web services?
- Doug