Thanks. I am unable to find the "previous email" mentioned. What is
the bug?
>> This currently is a bug however as I stated in a previous email.
Kathy Walsh wrote:
> Mark-
> See below for answers:
> Mark Hansen wrote:
>> The JAX-WS 2.0 specification doesn't mention whether or not the HTTP
>> Binding should or must or must not support HTTP GET.
> The above is correct- the expert group is in the process of
> determining if this
> needs to be specified.
>> However, the current RI seems to only support POST. Also, there
>> doesn't seem to be any API level way to specify a GET.
> RequestContext requestContext = dispatch.getRequestContext();
> requestContext.put(MessageContext.HTTP_REQUEST_METHOD, "GET");
> This currently is a bug however as I stated in a previous email.
>> Can anyone clarify this for me? Is there a way to do an HTTP GET
>> request using JAX-WS and the HTTP Binding?
> I hope this answers your questions-
> We have raised issues to the spec leads with respect to RESTful
> service and these
> will need to be addressed by EG before more questions can be clarified.
> Regards,
> Kathy
>> Is seems that there should be, as it is common for RESTful services
>> to be implemented using GET.
>> - Mark
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