sending mtom messages and handlers

From: Bober, Paul <>
Date: Sat, 8 Jul 2006 15:29:29 -0700

I need to send SOAP 1.1 messages with security credentials in the header
and an mtom-encoded attachment.
I've successfully enabled mtom encoding and also write a SOAPHandler to
insert the creds, but I can't get both to work at the same time. If I
disable the handler I get mtom, but no credentials, and if I enable the
handler I get credentials, but no mtom encoding.
I'm working off of the EA3 code base (12/23/05).
I found the following code in
Could this be related?

Any help would be appreciated.


        //there are handlers so disable Xop encoding if enabled, so that
they dont
        // see xop:Include reference
        if ((am != null) && am.isXOPPackage()) {
                isXopped = am.isXOPPackage();
        handlerResult = callHandlersOnRequest(handlerContext);
        // now put back the old value
        if ((am != null)) {