I am trying to figure out what the best practice is for naming conventions
and how to organise the webservice in a JavaEE 5.0 enterprise application.
Generally this would not be a problem, just put the EJBs into a jar file and
the web service stuff in a war file etc. But if you want to implement the
webservice as a stateless sessionbean, this causes a naming conflict as EJBs
should be named xxxBean and webservices xxxImpl according to
http://java.sun.com/blueprints/code/namingconventions.html. But if you want
to have something like:
public class Test...
What do you call it, TestBean or TestImpl? Another thing I am not too sure
about is, where to deploy it? In the xxx-ejb.jar or the xxx.war file? The
war file probably makes more sense, since the xxx-ejb.jar does/should not
have a WEB-INF folder for the sun-jaxws.xml file. So in other words you
deploy it as part of the web module but personally I think that the
service/bean should be named TestBean, indicating it should rather go in the
jar file.
Any suggestions would be appreciated.