Re: Anticipate usage of

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 08:28:37 -0800

These ligthweight endpoints will be used mainly for callbacks. So a Web
Service client may invoke a web service
that needs to call back to the client. It can be used for asynchrounous
calls etc.

Mark Hansen wrote:

> I understand (from the Glassfish forum) that JSR-109 prohibits
> Endpoint.publish(...) inside Java EE 5. So, I guess that Endpoint is
> supposed to be used to deploy web services from Java SE.
> How does that JAX-WS expert group anticipate that Endpoint will be
> used? Is the goal of Endpoint to give programmers a tool that they
> can use to deploy lightweight web services applications without
> needing to deploy a Java EE container?
> Thanks for any insights,
> Mark
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 - Doug