SOAP WSA Header with jwsdp-1.6

From: Amit G Soni <>
Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2006 17:44:55 +0530

Hi List,


I am using jwsdp-1.6 for generating webservices client stubs from WSDL
file. The server side WSDL file is in .NET and uses security. So for
this purpose I am using

jax-rpc and xwss functionality of the jwsdp-1.6. I am using the
generated classes to call the server side mothods.


But when I am sending the request in which as a request I need to add
the following header in SOAP header which is not added by default.


<wsa:Action soapenv:actor=""






So any one of you have idea that how can I add the above tags within
SOAP Header then please help me out.



Amit Soni