Endpoint.publish() & wsgen

From: Cameron Taggart <>
Date: Wed, 9 May 2007 14:01:08 -0700

Is there any way to get Endpoint.publish() to work without running
wsgen manually?

If Glassfish runs wsgen behind the scenes, is there a way to build off
of it? May be an implementation of can be
built that runs wsgen behind the scenes? The provider from XFire
works this way, but I've got issues with the wsdl XFire creates.


On 1/19/07, Rama Pulavarthi <> wrote:
> If you deploy on glassfish and is a 109 Web Service, it runs wsgen
> behind the scene when you deploy the app.
> thanks,
> Rama Pulavarthi
> Cameron Taggart wrote:
> > Thanks Vivek. When I use the nightly snapshot I get the correct error
> > message: "Wrapper class jaxws.jaxws.GetInt is not found. Have you run
> > APT to generate them?"
> >
> > wsgen looks like the right tool for the job. "The wsgen tool
> > generates JAX-WS portable artifacts used in JAX-WS web services. The
> > tool reads a web service endpoint class and generates all the required
> > artifacts for web service deployment, and invocation."
> >
> > So, how come I don't need to do this additional step when using CXF?
> > I guess I'll ask them. My guess is they do something like wsgen
> > behind the scenes when Endpoint.publish is called. That is really
> > convenient. I was expecting JAX-WS RI to do that too. Oh well.
> >
> > cheers,
> > Cameron