Minor tool changes

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 09:14:21 -0800

For anyone that has downloaded today's nightly build you may have
noticed that some of the command line
options and Ant task options have changed slightly. This was done to
better align with JAXB tools.

Here is a list of the changes.
wsimport command line tool changes:
* turn keep on if -s option is specified
* added a -p <package> option that allows you to specify the default
package for generated code, this eliminates the
need to write a customization to do this.
* added a -catalog <file> option which allows you to specify a catalog
file for resovling external references,
supports supports TR9401, XCatalog, and OASIS XML Catalog formats

wsimport Ant task changes:
* utilize the for external entity
* added a package attribute to go along with the command line -p
* changed wsdlFile to wsdl
* changed base to destdir
* changed sourceBase to sourcedestdir
* turns keep on if sourcedestdir is specified
* removed version
* removed HTTPProxy, users should use the Ant <setproxy> task

wsgen command line changes:
* changed -nd to -r which stands for resource directory (this is where
resources such as WSDL files are generated)
* if -s is specified the -keep option is turn on

wsgen Ant task changes
* endpointImplementationClass is changed to sei
* base is changed to destdir
* nonClassDir is changed to resourcedestdir
* sourceBase is changed to sourcedestdir
* removed version
* changed genWsdl to genwsdl
* changed serviceName to servicename
* changed portName to portname

Apt Ant Task changes:
* change base to destdir
* change sourceBase to sourcedestdir
* change noCompile to nocompile
* change xListAnnotationTypes to xlistannotationtypes
* change xListDeclarations to xlistdeclarations
* change xPrintAptRounds to xprintaptrounds
* change xPrintFactoryInfo to xprintfactoryinfo
* change xClassesAsDecls to xclassesasdecls
* change debugLevel to debuglevel
* change sourcePath to sourcepath

 - Doug