at this point we don't plan to release 2.1.8. You can use 2.2.x
versions where the bug is fixed as well,
On 02/07/2012 09:00 AM, katrin.tomanek_at_averbis.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I have previously posted this question to the forum
> (http://www.java.net/forum/topic/glassfish/metro-and-jaxb/how-download-
> jaxws-rt-218?force=610), but did not receive an answer. That's why I
> try here...
> With my webservice based on JAXWS I am obtaining a NullpointerException
> thrown by AbstractProcessor
> java.lang.NullPointerException at
> com.sun.xml.stream.buffer.AbstractProcessor.readFromNextStructure(Abstr
> actProcessor.java:189)
> which is analoguous to the bug described here:
> http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_WS-807
> According to this issue, the bug has been solved in 2.1.8.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find a jar file for 2.1.8 for download. Both,
> in the download section of http://jax-ws.java.net/ as well as the maven
> repo (http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.sun.xml.ws/jaxws-rt/) I
> cannot find the 2.1.8 version (looking for jaxws-rt-2.1.8); only older
> version (<=2.1.7) or version of the 2.2.x branch can be found there.
> Its strange, because its mentioned that this version fixes a bug (see:
> http://java.net/jira/browse/JAX_WS-807) but then this version is not
> available at the download section of jax-ws on http://jax-ws.java.net/.
> Did I misunderstand anything about this bug fix? Has 2.1.8 never really
> been released or was it withdrawn?
> Any help highly appreciated.
> Cheers,
> Katrin
Martin Grebac, Metro/JAXWS/JAXB RI Lead
Oracle Czech, Prague
ICQ: 93478885