Re: SOAP attachments Interoperability

From: Anne Thomas Manes <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2006 08:00:53 -0500


There are three choices for attachment protocols:
- WS-Attachments over DIME (DIME)
- SOAP with Attachment over MIME (SwA)

ASP.NET with WSE 2.0 supports DIME.
ASP.NET with WSE 3.0 supports MTOM
WCF supports MTOM.

JAX-WS supports SwA (by default) and MTOM (when enabled).

Axis 1.x supports SwA and DIME.
Axis 2 supports MTOM.

The best choice for interoperability is definitely MTOM.

When using MTOM, you don't actually define an attachment -- you simply
define the binary file as part of your SOAP message as
type="xsd:base64Binary" or type="xsd:hexBinary. MTOM automatically packages
all binary types as MIME attachments for you transparently. You indicate the
type of content in the element at runtime using an MTOM attribute extension,
xmime:contentType. So, for example, the element would be define thus:

    <xs:element name="MyBinaryData">
          <xs:extension base="xs:base64Binary" >
            <xs:attribute ref="xmime:contentType" use="required"/>

The xmime:base64Binary and xmime:hexBinary types have been predefined adding
xmime:contentType attribute. In addition, you can identify what type of data
might be expected in the element using the xmime:expectedContentType
attribute. e.g.,

xmime:expectedContentTypes="image/jpeg, image/png"

These MTOM extensions are defined in the "Describing Media Content of Binary
Data in XML" specification (

Here are some useful links with samples/instructions:


On 2/28/06, Florian Rengers <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have to write a SOAP Service with J2EE that deliver different
> documents like Word, pdf and image files.
> As a Service Consumer I have to write a dotNET Client which invokes the
> service with the identifier of the desired document.
> I have three main questions:
> 1.)
> There are many types of attachment handlings and encodings like MTOM,
> sWA, DIME and MIME.
> Which of these are really both supported from .NET and from a Java.
> A read that I should use mime for an interoperable service, but I also
> read that dotNET does not support MIME encoding.
> 2.)
> Which Java Technology should I use for this, Apache Axis or JAX-WS?
> I personally would prefer JAX-WS, but AXIS is in a wide use, has a more
> production state and has a better support for attachment handling, I
> suppose.
> 3.)
> Do I have to define the attachment type in the wsdl-file. I saw some
> examples in which that was done.
> This is a problem for me because as I described the attachment type will
> differ for each response.
> Hope that someone can help me out of my uncertainty.
> greetings
> Florian
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