Re: Bug in "Building JAX-WS 2.0 Services with Netberans 5.0 and Glass fish"

From: Bobby Bissett <>
Date: Mon, 06 Feb 2006 10:51:22 -0500

> "Couldn't create SOAP message due to exception:
> com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.SOAPExceptionImpl: Invalid Content-type:
> text/html. Is this an error message instead of a SOAP response?"

This usually means that the server is responding with something other
than a soap response. For instance, it can mean that there is an error
in the service and that an http error response is coming back to the
client, which has the content type text/html instead of soap. Can you
confirm that you have gone through all the server steps correctly?
Please check the server logs for any error messages.

If you still can't find any info to diagnose the problem, let me know
which build of GlassFish you are using, the platform you're on, and the
JDK you're using, and I will try to recreate the problem.
