JAX-WS service on Tomcat without sun-jaxws.xml

From: Miljen Miki? <>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2013 13:28:44 +0200


I have a question regarding this blog post:

The author brings an interesting idea:

"Of course, with the use of jax-ws annotations, even configuration
sun-jaxws.xml can be made optional making it completely descriptor free,
but that requires specifying a default url-pattern like in JSR-109 or
custom pattern like in Jersey REST services, in the JAX-WS specification.
As it is, such descriptor free deployment is already supported by 109
implementation from Glassfish V2. This definitely is a step towards that
goal and one less configuration file to worry about."

Is it possible to avoid sun-jaxws.xml file while deploying JAX-WS-based Web
service on Tomcat (and other non JSR-109-compliant servers/containers), and
how? What jax-ws annotations should be used?

Thanks in advance.

Best regards,
Miljen Mikic