JAX-WS General usage questions

From: Olano, Ever <>
Date: Fri, 3 Feb 2006 15:26:30 -0800

Hello. I am writing a sample client using JAX-WS 2.0 that will consume
our own web service. With the help of a couple of people on the Sun
forums, I was able to get as far as sending a request and getting a
fault (I have yet to sign my request as required by our web service).


My questions are:


1. Is there a way to set the timeout (for waiting for the
response)? How?


2. When I get a WebServiceException (that is not a
SOAPFaultException), is there a way to tell when (i.e. which stage) the
exception occurred, specifically, whether or not the exception occurred
while waiting for the reply (e.g. timeout)? Or do I just call the
exception's getCause() method and infer from the type of exception that
it returns.


3. Is the Service-derived class generated by wsimport thread-safe?
Can I use just a single instance and call its getPort*() method for each
request? (I'm guessing yes.)


4. What about each stub/port object? Is it thread-safe? (I'm
guessing no.)



Thanks in advance for your help.
