Re: BOM handling

From: Martin Grebac <>
Date: Mon, 02 Jan 2012 14:34:42 +0100

 you can specify which parser to use by e.g. putting it to classpath and
removing the default parsers (sjsxp or woodstox bundled with jaxws by
default), or by using the default mechanisms defined by JAXP. AFAICT
latest JAXP versions (like 1.4.5) handle this case correctly,

On 12/17/2011 03:47 AM, Richard Lavoie wrote:
> Hello people,
> I'm having an issue with jax-ws 2.1.5 included in java6.
> The web service I'm trying to interact with is sending the utf8 BOM as
> the first character of it's response. Unfortunately I don't have
> access to modify this wen service as it is one of our Microsoft
> Dynamics CRM server. Every time the client receives this response,
> the client code throws an exception as an unexpected character... I've
> read that XML parsers should handle this without problem.
> I've seen alot of threads over the internet having problem with BOM
> and sun's internal parser, but no real answers...
> Is there any way to tell the xml internal parser to handle this BOM ?
> maybe with the help of a -D ?
> If not, is there any way to wrap the internal xml parser to handle
> this sort of behavior ?
> If not, is there any way to specify another XML parser ?
> Anything else that can help me fix this issue as it's a blocker for us ?
> Help is much appreciated,
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> Richard Lavoie
> IT consultant / consultant en informatique

Martin Grebac, GlassFish/Metro/JAXWS/JAXB/Tooling at Oracle
ICQ: 93478885