Re: How do I set "To" and "From" in JAX-WSA?

From: Rama Pulavarthi <Rama.Pulavarthi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:48:26 -0800

There is no such thing in JAX-WS. One way to set To header is to create
the proxy from EPR which has captures the To value or set
BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY. If you need to set other
addressing headers like From explicitly, you should create/add them to
the SOAPMessage yourselves.

Rama Pulavarthi

Eva Gonzalez wrote:
> Searching on the net, I found the
> class as part of JAX-WSA 1.0. Presumably, this is where I should set "To" and "From" values, but I couldn't find this class in the jar files of JAX-WS 2.1 EA3.
> eva
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