JAX-WS: Multiple ports but one service and one WSDL one URL pattern

From: Xavier Callejas <>
Date: Mon, 12 Nov 2012 18:56:27 -0600


I have serveral days trying to make a simple test case where a SOAP web
service expose two ports, but I haven't been able to work it out, using
annotations or declarative xml.

By default JAXWS generates a port per endpoint per service, there for one
wsdl/url per port.

The serviceName could be identically in both implementations, but JAXWS will,
by default, generate a wsdl per port.

I am using Glassfish, NetBeans 7.2.1, JEE 6.

I need just one URL pattern, with a WSDL containing a service with two ports.

Is there any way to achive this?

Preferible I want to use annotations, this way I will not have to code any
sun-jaxws nor WSDL with so many elements (portTyps, methods, parameters,
namespaces, etc).

Thank you in advance.
