2007/6/4, Claudiu S. <claudiu.cs_at_gmail.com>:
> Hi Lukasz,
> The samples are in the user guide tabs:
> https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/nonav/2.1.1/docs/statefulWebservice.html
thank you, indeed there are samples there,
but are they also in *.java files?
on "Samples" tab it's said:
"This document explains the samples that are bundled along with the JAX-WS
2.1.1 RI"
so I suppose these samples are also provided with jax-ws distribution,
but I couln't find them in JAXWS2.1.1_source_20070501.jar
By the way, have you managed to get to work the statefulWebservice?
> I'm trying to get stateful objet sharing with webservices and until now
> this is my only clue. But I couldn't make it work.
I haven't tried to play with statefulWebservice yet so I can't help you now,
but if I have occasion to do it I'll share my experience
best wishes