JAX-WS packaging question

From: Mark Hansen <>
Date: Tue, 24 Jan 2006 10:22:45 -0500

I'm writing a number of sample web services - testing out different
aspects of JAX-WS 2.0. I am trying to deploy everything on the nighltly
build of Glassfish. I rebuild Glassfish regularly.

I am confused by the different packaging in the samples distributed with
JAX-WS 2.0 vs. the devtests in Glassfish. The JAX-WS samples have a
sun-jaxws.xml deployment descriptor. Also, in the JAX-WS samples, the
web.xml is used to deploy a listener (WSServletContextListener), and the
servlet deployed is WSServlet. Also, the version attribute of the
<web-app> element is "2.4".

In the Glassfish devtest/webservices/annotations examples, there is no
sun-jaxws.xml. Instead, there is a sun-web.xml file. Furthermore, the
web.xml has no listener, and the servlet class is the actual JAX-WS
endpoint implementation, rather than WSServlet. The version number of
the <web-app> element is "2.5".

Can someone explain what is going on with these different versions?
Also, which packaging approach should I use for my samples applications
to be deployed on Glassfish? Which approach is closer to the Java EE 5

Thanks for any help with this.

-- Mark