Re: WS 2.1 webstart JRE 1.6 client , endorse how ?

From: Fabian Ritzmann <Fabian.Ritzmann_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 20:36:27 +0200

gustav trede wrote:
> Is there any way to get jax-ws 2.1 to work for a jre 1.6 webstart
> signed client ?.
> I have not succeded with endorsing in the jnlp file <property
> name="java.endorsed.dirs" value="xx"/> ,
> problem is to get a correct runtime path.

Even if you had the correct path, I doubt it would work. For one, I
believe that could be a security issue. And your Java VM is running and
might have loaded the JAX-WS classes that come with JRE 6 already.

> Im doing a signed WSIT swing client with glassfish as server.
> Ive decided since long that java 1.6 is both the client and server
> target platform.
> Changing to java 1.5 is not a workable option for me.

Some ideas how to work-around this problem:

- Have your clients put the JAX-WS 2.1 API JARs into
$JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/endorsed. That defeats the purpose of using Java
Webstart admittedly.

- I read some claims that this product could help:

- Can you plug-in your own class loader into a Webstart app? If yes, you
might be able to write one that first loads the classes bundled with the
