eclipse don't have support to JEE5, so, you have some options:
On 5/28/07, Łukasz Lichota <> wrote:
> hello,
> I'm new to java webservices and I have such a question,
> in net beans 5.5 I'm using web client creator for generating web service
> reference in client application,
> amongs other artifacts this creates copies of classes being returned by web
> service method (original classes are domain model classes defined in web
> application)
> but these copies have only attributes (and getters and setters) but have no
> methods that original classes have,
> is this normal behaviour of this generator or maybe all generators? should I
> deal with it manually?
> the other question is about IDE's for applications using JAX-WS and
> Hibernate
> what is in your opinion best IDE for developing such applications (I tried
> to use NetBeans 5.5 + nbxdoclet plug in)
> best regards
> --
> Łukasz Lichota