RE: Re: for problem of using nested ComplexType

From: Don Kneller <>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2007 11:29:22 -0700

Using the <element name="info" type="infoType" /> should be fine, but
you need to be aware of namespaces. When you declare a <complexType> it
exists in the target namespace. That namespace probably has a prefix
associated with it. You need to use that prefix when specifying the
'type="infoType"' attribute else you get the default namespace (which,
based on our WSDL fragment not using any prefix before the <complexType>
element, is the "" namespace).


In fact, it's a good idea for all 'type="<type>"' attributes to use a
qualified name for the <type>, so "xsd:string" rather than "string"
where "xsd" is the defined in the WSDL's <definitions> or <xsd:schema>
element as an attribute like:


Does this help?


- Don


From: Jose Perez []
Sent: Friday, May 11, 2007 10:22 AM
Subject: Re: for problem of using nested ComplexType


Dont you need to use the "ref" instade of name or type???


<complexType name="messageType">
       <element name="identifier" type="string"/>
       <element name="status" type="String"/>
       <element ref="infoType" />

<complexType name="infoType">
       <element name="category" type="string"/>
       <element name="event" type="string"/>


On 5/10/07, yuyin Song <> wrote:

Hi All,

I have problem for nested ComplexType.

I have the following nested ComplexType used in the

<complexType name="messageType">
       <element name="identifier" type="string"/>
       <element name="status" type="String"/>
       <element name="info" type="infoType" />

<complexType name="infoType">
       <element name="category" type="string"/>
       <element name="event" type="string"/>

When I build web services, there existed some errors
for nested complexType "infoType". Please give me
advice how to deal with nested CompexType in the
request or response. Thanks a lot.


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