Generating the client code with JAX-WS is as simple as invoking:
wsimport url_to_wsdl and you are done.
This will generate a Service class that you can create of instance of
and then query for a port (stub).
Check out section 3.2 of the User's Guide in the JAX-WS documentation
peter michaux wrote:
>I would like to write a Java GUI app, distributed by
>Java Web Start, to remotely administrate an ecommerce
>website. I think using SOAP might be the right
>approach for me since the website is written in Ruby
>On Rails. The Rails site produces WSDL.
>I've searched quite a few hours for a good tutorial on
>building a simple Java SOAP client using JAX-WS. I
>would like to use the WSDL to automatically produce
>the client Java stub code. I think Apache Axis can do
>this type of auto generation but I wonder if JAX-WS
>can do something similar.
>I'm new to the Java world and am trying to get
>oriented in the mass of technology options. Any
>pointers on a good approach or tutorial links greatly
>(Posted on the forum too since I don't yet know which
> is more popular form of communication here.)
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- Doug