Re: JAX-WS (nightly build) + GlassFish or Tomcat: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: c

From: Sameer Tyagi <Sameer.Tyagi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 28 Nov 2005 12:55:19 -0500

J2SE 6.0 contains a build of jaxws in there too, and I think things may
be out of synch wrt the versions
between what you have in Glassfish vs Mustang...

Thats my guess though.. :)


Daniel Caldeweyher wrote:

>Thanks Rajiv,
>(note to self: you #$%&!) Why didn't I think of that? I tried everything
>else but going back to 5.0.
>I reinstalled tomcat and glassfish with j2se5.0 and...with no surprise to
>you I works on both.
>But why didn't it work with 6.0? An another thing that wonders
>me...shouldn't the webservice/servlet automatially register as a "Web
>Service" in GlassFish?
>-----Original Message-----
>Date: Sat, 26 Nov 2005 22:27:59 -0800
>From: Rajiv Mordani <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
>Subject: JAX-WS (nightly build) + GlassFish or Tomcat:
>java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: c
> Are you using Java SE 6 with Glassfish / tomcat? Or are you getting
>the error even with J2SE 5.0?
>- Rajiv