Re: prefix problem in the soap envelope generated by JAX-WS2.0

From: Doug Kohlert <Doug.Kohlert_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 09:53:13 -0700

Is this with the FCS build or another build of JAX-WS?

Dennis Yu wrote:

> I am trying to build a web service with notification function using
> JAX-WS2.0, and I use the wsimport to generate the artifacts.
> In the WSDL, I import
> file.
> ( <wsdl:import location="eventing.wsdl"
> namespace=""
> <>/> )
> When I checked the SOAP response message in the SOAP Envelope and I
> found the prefix ns3 is pointed to namespace
>, but if you go to
> link
> And you will see:
> The namespace whose name is is
> bound by definition to the prefix xml: according to Namespaces in XML,
> W3C Recommendation 14 Jan 1999
> <> (and by Namespaces
> in XML 1.1 <>). Note that unlike all
> other XML namespaces, both the name and the prefix are specified;
> i.e., if you want XML 1.0 processors to recognize this namespace, you
> must use the reserved prefix xml:.
> So I always got exception when tried to parse the following Soap
> Return, because of the wrong prefix –ns3 for this namespace.
> <soapenv:Envelope
> xmlns:soapenv=""
> xmlns:xsd=""
> xmlns:ns1=""
> xmlns:ns2=""
> xmlns:ns3="">
> You will find the eventing.xsd schema at :
> , and in
> this schema there is also a bug there,
> The schemaLocation=
> for addressing should be changed to
> schemaLocation=
> now.
> -Dennis Yu
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