I have a web service that i create using netbeans, now i want to call its methods by soap messages..

From: legolas wood <>
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 23:18:07 +0430

Thank you for reading my post.
I have some questions about using web methods of a web service which i
would be very gratfull if you could answer.

I should implement a web service that should receive a file with some
other parameters from client and another web service which should
receive some parameters and return a file.
I used a mechanism like the following one to handle the condition and
it just works. But I have a problem, we need to create dynamic
invocation and i can not use NetBeans generated client stub anymore.
What i need is a tutorial or a sample that shows how we can send and
receive files by web services.
I want to know how we can create the SOAP message ourself and then send
it to the web service endpoint and it call the web method and ....

Imagine the following web method, and its web service generated by
NetBeans, How i can invoke it by creating soap message myself and
sending it to end point.

    public String saveFile(@WebParam(name = "fileName") String fileName,
@WebParam(name = "fileContent") byte[] fileContent) {
        // TODO implement operation
        return "Something";

Another question is :
Does this mechanism that i used to transfer files is OK?
Is it optimized or there are some other ways to do this job.
I should say that i put one week on handlers to use soap attachments and
i get no result.

So, Please let me know if you know or have some sample that show me how
to do the above job.
