Doug Kohlert wrote:
> I can't answer your JBoss questions but JAX-WS is scheduled for FCS
> before summer.
Someone reported in the forum that he tried JAXWS RI with JBoss
> Dru Devore wrote:
>> I am currently learning and trying out the new JAX-WS. I have had some
>> problems with the NB/GlassFish guide but am going to give it another
>> try and see what I can come up with, the first try was a rushed one
>> with not enough time to fully read and understand the guide. Anyway
>> there is a big push to use JBoss where I work so I am wondering if
>> anyone knows when JBoss may implement the JAX-WS version for web
>> services.
>> I have been trying to implement WS on JBoss and since it is fairly new
>> here I would like to try and go with the first implementations of them
>> on JAX-WS. Partly because all the docs I have been reading say they are
>> easier and partially because the JBoss implementation of JAX-RPC is
>> lacking; no support for document type encoding, and little support for
>> arrays.
>> Also, when is JAX-WS going gold?
>> We are looking at doing serious development the first WS in the next
>> month or so, not into production for a couple of months after that but
>> I don't want to run into an availability or instability issue. Is this
>> too soon for JAX-WS and/or JBoss any help/suggestions would be
>> appreciated.
>> Dru Devore
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