Going the fill descriptor way also will not help because the WSDL gets
published as per 109 and in GlassFishv1, it is the host name of the
domain that is used while publishing the WSDL.
This will be fixed in GFv2 to be more friendly in the "enterprise
environment" where LBs and clusters are present
Julian Klappenbach wrote:
> We're attempting to use JAX-WS from behind a load balancer, and have
> run into an issue. The problem is that each host behind the LB has
> it's own unique name, and when we deploy the JAX-WS to these hosts,
> the wsdl is generated with these names as part of the address to the
> xsd, not the DNS name that resolves to the LB.
> This is a problem, since the hostnames of each node behind the LB are
> not visible.
> How should this issue be solved? I tried to use the wsdlLocation
> parameter on @WebService, but though the WebServiceHandler resolved
> the custom wsdl just fine, the WsUtil class simply mangled the URI
> (beyond belief) when attempting to load the xsd internally.
> I'm using the EJB3 approach, with a @Stateless @WebService, simply
> because it appeared t o save time.
> I'm open to any suggestions. Ditch EJB3 and go pure descriptors? Am
> I misusing the wsdlLocation by using a full url? Or is this an issue
> that has yet to be addressed?
> -jjk
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