Re: [jaxwsa-users] wsimport error consuming .Net web service WSDL

From: Arun Gupta <Arun.Gupta_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 21 Apr 2006 13:24:01 -0700

Hi Michael,

Cross-posting your question to where somebody
can answer your question.


Michael Gerfen wrote:
> Hi,
> I’ve run into a problem when attempting to generate a web service proxy
> for a .Net web service with wsimport. I get the following error:
> Building Java web service proxies for SearchService...
> error: undefined attribute 'xml:space' line 0 of
> http://localhost/Symyx/Vault/VaultService/Search.asmx?WSDL#types?schema1
> error: Element "{}PerformSearch" not
> found.
> Here is the portion of my web service WSDL that is causing the error:
> *-* <http://localhost:3733/VaultService/Search.asmx?WSDL##>
> <s:complexType name="Material">
> <s:simpleContent>
> <s:extension base="s:string">
> <s:attribute name="GUID" type="s:string" />
> <s:attribute name="Type" type="s:string" />
> <s:attribute ref="xml:space" use="optional" /> ß *this is
> the offending line*.
> </s:extension>
> </s:simpleContent>
> </s:complexType>
> Is this a bug in wsimport or a bug in the .Net WSDL generator? If it’s
> a problem with wsimport, is there a work-around I can employ to resolve
> the issue?
> Thanks!
> Michael
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