Re: I have a web service that i create using netbeans, now i want to call its methods by soap messages..

From: Legolas Woodland <>
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2007 18:10:05 +0330

So what was all story about SOAP attachments?
i read that files should be transfered using attachment stuff?

secondly, how i can send the image from client to server, will it be
sufficent to have a method with an input parameter from image type?

finally, will it works when we use DDI ?

and most important thing is, how i can create the soap message myself and
send it to server?
sometimes it is required to set soap message sections manually and we need
that thing.


On 4/24/07, Lukas Jungmann <> wrote:
> Legolas Woodland wrote:
> > any comment?
> ?
> --lj
> > I amlooking for any hint to resolve this.
> >
> >
> > On 4/19/07, *legolas wood* <
> > <>> wrote:
> >
> > Hi
> > Thank you for reading my post.
> > I have some questions about using web methods of a web service
> > which i
> > would be very gratfull if you could answer.
> >
> > I should implement a web service that should receive a file with
> some
> > other parameters from client and another web service which should
> > receive some parameters and return a file.
> > I used a mechanism like the following one to handle the condition
> and
> > it just works. But I have a problem, we need to create dynamic
> > invocation and i can not use NetBeans generated client stub
> anymore.
> > What i need is a tutorial or a sample that shows how we can send and
> > receive files by web services.
> > I want to know how we can create the SOAP message ourself and then
> > send
> > it to the web service endpoint and it call the web method and ....
> >
> > Imagine the following web method, and its web service generated by
> > NetBeans, How i can invoke it by creating soap message myself and
> > sending it to end point.
> >
> > @WebMethod
> > public String saveFile(@WebParam(name = "fileName") String
> > fileName,
> > @WebParam(name = "fileContent") byte[] fileContent) {
> > // TODO implement operation
> > return "Something";
> > }
> >
> >
> > Another question is :
> > Does this mechanism that i used to transfer files is OK?
> > Is it optimized or there are some other ways to do this job.
> > I should say that i put one week on handlers to use soap
> > attachments and
> > i get no result.
> >
> > So, Please let me know if you know or have some sample that show
> > me how
> > to do the above job.
> >
> > Thanks.
> >
> >
> >
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