Why do you need to run wsgen? when you run wsimport against the WSDL it
will generate all the artifacts for you. Is the confusion arising
because of 'portable' in the first bullet:
1. *Use |wsimport| to generate portable artifacts.*
Farrukh S. Najmi wrote:
> Dear colleagues,
> I have a WSDL first doc/literal project based on latest JAXWS 2.1-SNAPSHOT.
> According to latest docs:
> https://jax-ws.dev.java.net/jax-ws-21-ea1/docs/jaxws-tools.html#mozTocId344067
> It says:
> 1.
> 2.
> 3. Starting from a WSDL file:
> 1. *Use |wsimport| to generate portable artifacts.*
> 2. Implement the service endpoint.
> 3. Package the WSDL file, schema documents, |web.xml|,
> |sun-jaxws.xml|, service endpoint interface and
> implementation class, value types, and generated classes, if
> any, into a WAR file.
> 4. Deploy the WAR to a web container.
> However, I have found that I cannot generate portable artifacts unless I
> also run wsgen after running wsimport.
> This is a problem because wsgen requires a Service Endpoint
> Implementation and I need to generate all JAXWS/JAXB
> bindings in an implementation independent module "Spec Module" that is
> then used as a dependency by an implementation-specific module "Impl
> Module".
> How does latest JAXWS 2.1 SNAPSHOT support this use case?
> that actually implements my service.
> It seems that in order to generate portable artifacts I must have a
> Service Endpoint Implementation. Is there any way around this?
> As a separate issue I think docs should be clarified for this confusion.
> Thanks for your help.